Download instructions (step-by-step)

Quick Links

1. Purchase and payment
2. Your download link
3. Download process

1. Purchase and payment

It's a quick three-step secure checkout to get The Koh Samui Guide

  1. Go to your secure checkout
  2. Securely checkout with PayPal, credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay
  3. Get your link to download The Koh Samui Guide

Your payment options

How to pay with PayPal?

  1. Click 'Buy Now' to go to the secure checkout
  2. Click the PayPal button to checkout with PayPal.
  3. Get your link to download The Koh Samui Guide

PayPal: Step by step

Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with PayPal: Step one

First, click 'Buy Now' to go to the secure checkout page.

You might see a spinning section at the top just for a moment: "Getting available checkout options". PayPal, Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons – if available on your browser – will appear here shortly.

Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with PayPal: Step two

In a second, the yellow PayPal button should appear. (If it doesn't, try this alternative).

Click the PayPal button to open a separate window for your transaction.

Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with PayPal: Step three

A pop-up window will appear for just a second as PayPal loads.

Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with PayPal: Step four

Use this PayPal pop-up window to login and proceed through the PayPal checkout process.

When finished, you'll be redirected back to the post-purchase page and you can now download your copy of The Koh Samui Guide

Skip to Step Two to find out how.

Don't see a PayPal button?

Some browsers show you the yellow PayPal button on the checkout page – some don't.

Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with PayPal: If you don't see a PayPal button at the secure checkout

If you don't see the option, click 'edit your cart' and you'll find the PayPal button on the previous page.

Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with PayPal: How to edit your shopping cart

How to pay with a credit card?

You can easily purchase The Koh Samui Guide with your Visa, Mastercard, Amex or Discover card.

  1. Click 'Buy Now' to go to the secure checkout
  2. Enter your email address and checkout securely (as described below).
  3. Get your link to download The Koh Samui Guide

1. Enter your email address

Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with a credit card: Step one – enter your email address

Use the email address where you'd like to receive your link to download The Koh Samui Guide and your monthly update emails.

Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with a credit card: Step two – check your email address for typos

Make sure to double-check that you've typed your email correctly, as it's where you'll receive your emailed link to download your guide.

If you'd like to receive monthly email updates, leave the box beneath your email checked. (No spam, it's just one email a month with upcoming Koh Samui events, hotel openings, new blog posts, etc).

2. Enter your billing address

Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with a credit card: Step three – enter your billing address

Next, enter your credit card's billing address.

Note that no physical product is shipped (The Koh Samui Guide is a digital download), the address you input here is for credit card billing purposes only.

Click NEXT to proceed to your credit card details.

    3. Your payment details

    Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with a credit card: Step four – enter your payment details

    Enter your payment details and click NEXT.

    After completing your payment, you'll see a processing screen for just a second or two.

    The magic is happening and you're just a moment away from downloading The Koh Samui Guide.

    Your payment is complete!

    You can now download your copy of The Koh Samui Guide – skip to Step Two to find out how.

    How to Pay with Apple Pay or Google Pay?

    If you use Apple Pay or Google Pay, these respective buttons will appear alongside the PayPal option.

    1. Click 'Buy Now' to go to the secure checkout
    2. Click the Apple Pay or Google Pay button to check out.
    3. Get your link to download The Koh Samui Guide


    Whether choosing PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay, separate windows will open to guide you through these processes – but you'll end up back in the same place to download your guide.

    Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with Apple Pay or Google Pay: Step one

    Click 'Buy Now' to go to the checkout page.

    At the top of the checkout page, you might see this section with a spinning ball for just a second. Soon, your Apple Pay or Google Pay buttons will magically appear.

    Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with Apple Pay or Google Pay: Step two

    On my browser, I only see a PayPal and a Google Pay button because they're the services I use. If you use Apple Pay, it will appear here. (If you see nothing – no buttons at all – try this alternative).

    Click your preferred payment method to open a pop-up window for your transaction.

    Step-by-step instructions for how to purchase The Koh Samui Guide with Apple Pay or Google Pay: Step three

    Proceed through either the Apple Pay or Google Pay checkout and in a minute your payment is complete!

    You'll be redirected back to the post-purchase page where you can immediately download your copy of The Koh Samui Guide.

    Don't see these buttons?

    See the PayPal troubleshooting note.

    2. Your download link

    Whether you've used PayPal, a credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay – your purchase process concludes here: you get instant access to The Koh Samui Guide in two places:

    Clicking your download link in either place will open your file download page.

    Ready for the final click? Skip to Step 3 – how to download The Koh Samui Guide – to download your guide to your computer, phone or tablet.

      Your post-purchase webpage with a link

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide: Your post-purchase webpage with your download link

      This is the screen you'll see immediately after completing your payment.

      Click your download link (pictured above) to open the file download page for The Koh Samui Guide. Skip ahead to Step 3 for download instructions for your computer, phone or tablet.

      If you're in a rush feel free to close this page – the link will be automatically emailed to you as well.

      Your email receipt with a link

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide: Your email receipt with a link

      A magic robot sends you an email receipt with your download link for The Koh Samui Guide, so it's easy to refer back to it at any time that suits.

      Click your download link (pictured above) to open the file download page for The Koh Samui Guide.

      Next? You're just a minute away from reading The Koh Samui Guide! See step-by-step instructions to download to your computer or your mobile or tablet.

      Can't find the email?

      If you don't immediately see it, search your inbox for 'The Koh Samui Guide' or 'kohsamuiguide'.

      Lost this email?

      If you lose this email or accidentally delete it, you can always re-issue your download link at any time. Just enter the email you used for your purchase.

      3. Download The Koh Samui Guide

      You're just a minute away from reading The Koh Samui Guide! See step-by-step instructions to:

      Note for slow internet

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide on slow internet: The 'fetching files' screen before download

      If you're on slow internet, once you've purchased your guidebook, and clicked your download link, you might briefly see a "Fetching Files" screen – for just a second or two. On faster internet, you probably won't. (It's unlikely – I had to go looking for internet slow enough to create this screenshot!)

      Download time

      You're downloading a 30mb PDF file. If you have decent internet, you’ll have your copy in less than a minute after your purchase. On my home broadband, it takes about a minute to download, and a little longer over 3G data.

      Downloading to your desktop/laptop

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your desktop or laptop computer: Step one

      Whether you click your download link from (A) your post-purchase webpage, or (B) your email receipt, you're immediately taken to your file download page, like the one above.

      See 'DOWNLOAD'? That's the magic button.

      Click 'Download' – just once! Clicking 'download' repeatedly will reset your download back to the start.

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your desktop or laptop computer: Step two

      The file is 30 Mb so it can take a few minutes to fully download.

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your desktop or laptop computer: Step three

      Click 'download' JUST ONCE, and your file download will begin (saved to wherever you save your downloads).

      Tip: If you know yourself to be clicky and impatient, click once and sit on your hands until your copy of The Koh Samui Guide has downloaded.

      95% of the troubleshooting emails I receive are from people saying "I'm trying to download and nothing is happening". Just click 'download' once and your problems are solved – promise!

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your desktop or laptop computer: Step four

      Your guide will download just like any PDF file you'd download – saved to wherever you save your downloads.

      Tip: If you can't find where it saved, search for 'The-Koh-Samui-Guide'.

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your desktop or laptop computer: Step five

      Here's what the download process looks like on a Mac – as you can see, it takes under two minutes to download on fast internet.

      Ta daaa!

      Through the magic of the internet – your copy of The Koh Samui Guide is totally downloaded and ready for you to enjoy. You can easily read it on your computer or iPad, or you might prefer to print it, put it on your phone, or read it aloud to your dog.

      Clicking and nothing is happening?

      If you've clicked your link and think nothing is happening, just wait a moment. The Koh Samui Guide is 30mb so it can take a few minutes to fully download. Clicking 'download' repeatedly will reset your download back to the start – a vicious cycle that will get you nowhere!

      My best tip is to click the download button just once. Then wait a moment. Your file will download and save to wherever you save your downloads. If it's hiding, search for 'The-Koh-Samui-Guide' to find it. Easy!

      Downloading on your mobile or tablet

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your mobile, iPad or tablet: Step one

      First, click your download link from either your post-purchase webpage or your email. Your file download page will open.

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your mobile, iPad or tablet: Step one – open your email receipt with download link

      You might see a 'Fetching Files' screen for just a moment, especially on slower internet or a data connection.

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your mobile, iPad or tablet: Step two – the 'fetching files' screen

      On a mobile or tablet, you'll see (A) the file names of your two downloads and (B) a 'Download All' button to download them both at once.

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your mobile, iPad or tablet: Step three – your file download page

      Click either the file name of The Koh Samui Guide (once!) OR the 'Download All' button (once!).

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your mobile, iPad or tablet: Step four – click to download your guidebook

      If you click 'Download All' you might see a pop-up screen asking for permission to download multiple files. Click 'Allow'.

      Now, it might not look like anything is happening – but your files ARE downloading in the background.

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your mobile, iPad or tablet: Step five – download multiple files at once

      Depending on your phone, you might see a notification that the download has completed.

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your mobile, iPad or tablet: Step six – your download is complete

      Or, you might simply open your downloads folder and see the files ready and waiting. (On my Android phone, this location is simply called 'Downloads'). 

      If it's hiding, search for 'The-Koh-Samui-Guide' to find it. Easy!

      Then? Ta daaa!

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your mobile, iPad or tablet: Step seven – find your guide in your downloads folder

      Through the magic of the internet – your copy of The Koh Samui Guide is totally downloaded and ready for you to enjoy.

      You can easily read it on your computer or iPad, or you might prefer to print it, put it on your phone, or read it aloud to your dog.

      Clicking and nothing is happening?

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide to your mobile, iPad or tablet: Step eight – you can now read your guidebook

      If you've clicked and think nothing is happening, just wait a moment. The Koh Samui Guide is 30mb so it can take a few minutes to fully download. Clicking 'download' repeatedly will reset your download back to the start – a vicious cycle that will get you nowhere!

      My best tip is to click the file name just once. Then wait a moment. Your file will download and save to wherever you save your downloads. If it's hiding, search for 'The-Koh-Samui-Guide' to find it. Easy!

      How to save your guide elsewhere?

      Saving a PDF on your phone

      You can save The Koh Samui Guide to your phone exactly as you would any other PDF document. If this is brand new territory, these instructions (or any thirteen-year-old) might help:

      Please note: Beyond step-by-step download instructions, we're unable to provide tech support for adding the PDF file to specific devices.

      Saving to iBooks (iPad)

      How to save your guide to Apple Books on your iPad? Very easily!

      The Koh Samui Guide will work just like any other PDF file you want to save to Apple Books (formerly called iBooks) on your iPad.

      Please note – The following instructions are for Safari only. For whatever reason, iPads won't play nicely with Chrome (no matter how hard you shake it).

      The Koh Samui Guide: How to download to an iPad

      First, open your download link in Safari (not Chrome).

      To download all three files at once, click the 'Download All' button at the bottom.

      The Koh Samui Guide: How to download to an iPad

      The Koh Samui Guide: How to download to an iPad

      The Koh Samui Guide: How to download to an iPad

      A notification will pop up for each file. ("Do you want to download ________.pdf"). Click 'Download' for each file.

      The Koh Samui Guide: How to download to an iPad

      You might see the download button in the top right menu flicker for just a second but, on fast internet, it might look like nothing has happened. I had to be really, really quick to grab this screenshot with the line underneath the download icon.

      The Koh Samui Guide: How to download to an iPad

      Next, click on Downloads. (It's the downwards arrow in the top right corner).

      Your downloaded PDF files will be in a list. You can click any of them to open the respective file.

      Here, I've clicked on The Koh Samui Guide file and it opens like this:

      The Koh Samui Guide: How to download to an iPad

      Once you've opened a file, you might see "Open in Books" in the top right corner. (If so, click it and skip the next two steps).

      The Koh Samui Guide: How to download to an iPad

      Or, you might just see the Share button (the rectangle with the upwards arrow).

      The Koh Samui Guide: How to download to an iPad

      Click 'Share' to find the 'Books' icon and save from there. Depending on your iPad's settings, this pop-up window might look a little different. Just look for the Books icon.

      Once you've clicked (A) "Open in Books" or (B) the Books icon, your file will open in the app and look like this:

      The Koh Samui Guide: How to download to an iPad

      Tap the screen and you'll see some navigation options:

      The Koh Samui Guide: How to download to an iPad

      Ta da! That's it.

      Repeat, if you wish, for the other files in your download or just find a comfy spot and dive straight into your guidebook.

      For further step-by-step guides with screenshots:

      Please note: Beyond step-by-step download instructions, we're unable to provide tech support for adding the PDF file to specific devices.


      Clicking and nothing is happening?

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide: troubleshooting

      On a computer or phone:

      If you've clicked and think nothing is happening, just wait a moment. The Koh Samui Guide is 30mb so it can take a few minutes to fully download. Clicking 'download' repeatedly will reset your download back to the start – a vicious cycle that will get you nowhere!

      My best tip is to click the download button (on a desktop) or click the file name (on a phone) just once. Then wait a moment. Your file will download and save to wherever you save your downloads. If it's hiding, search for 'The-Koh-Samui-Guide' to find it. Easy!

      On an iPad:

      You must use Safari, not Chrome – see screenshots here. (Don't blame the messenger – I didn't code these devil devices).

      See step-by-step instructions:

      Can't find your download link?

      How to download The Koh Samui Guide: what to do if you're clicking and nothing is happening

      No problem!

      First, search your email for 'The Koh Samui Guide'.

      The email might just be hiding or it may have been archived, but it's probably there somewhere. If not, see below.

      Re-issue your link yourself

      If you don't see it, you can easily re-issue your download link.

      Just enter your email address used for the purchase and you're immediately reunited!

      If you still can’t find your link

      Not to worry! On rare occasions, customers have made orders with a typo (like '').

      Just send me a note and I’ll send you a new download email.

      More questions?

      See more FAQs

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